Thursday, December 18, 2008

Less Than A Fortnight.../Miscommunications

Sorry for the lack of posts; it's been a quiet December! Guess everyone's busy indulging in activities and other holiday merriment. With the Holiday Vacation fast approaching, don't forget about the Movie Night! You can pick up a copy of the flier at the Library!

Here's something I forgot to add before:

Join TAG's facebook group! You get up-to-the-minute information, and some funny misunderstandings amongst the members on the wall! Guess the holiday season has everyone a little edgy! =D

Plus, a second facebook event was added:

Aren't miscommunications a gas?

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Congratulations for those who participated in TAG's Holiday Greeting event. 18 teens (and TAGers) hauled it over to the library at 4 PM on the 1st of December, and by 5:30, 100 cards were made! That's EPIC!! I'm sure we made some homebound seniors' holidays much brighter!

Keep up the good work, everyone!! :D

Yes, It's Early. But...

In January, TAG will be one year old young! Just think, this time last year, there was no TAG. What a sad, sad world we lived in! But now it's here, and is continuing to go strong! Want to help maintain it? Then get involved! Opportunities abound at the Rockville Centre Public Library!

Happy Birthday, TAG! :D

Project TAG: Logo Design

Feeling creative? Do you have untapped artistic ability? Do you love the library so much that you check this blog regularly? Then this challenge is for you! The Teen Advisory Group, in all its prestige and glory, lacks an logo: nay, an insignia. Something we can use for fliers and other various and sundry things. If you have design in mind, e-mail it to It's preferable if it is a computer design, which makes the process of copying said logo easier.

Think you have what it takes? Go for it! (even if you don't, go for it anyway...we're kind of desparate...:D)

PS: Don't copy the one I have. That's just half of the TAG-Heuer logo...^_^

Friday, December 5, 2008

Status: Facebooking?

If you're going to the movie night, join the facebook group!

Are you attending? :D

Movie Flier: Remixed

After some tweaking (ok a lot of tweaking: I really got into it after a while :D), I remixed the Movie Night Flier. Same concept, just includes more information, and a cameo by a certain Alaskan governor...

You know you want to go to the Movie Night THAT MUCH MORE now!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Speaking of the Movie Night...

Here's a poster done by none other than the brother of The Blogger: Alex Kane, of the Publicity Division.

EPIC Card Making, Everyone!!

Ok, for those who didn't show for today's (TAG sponsored) Greeting-Card event, you MISSED OUT!!! Teens from all over Rockville Centre showed up to make greeting cards for homebound senior citizens. And you missed the musical stylings of Kelly Clarkson, Natasha Bedingfield, Janet Jackson and Celine Dion: the only CDs in the library from the last 18 months. Goes to show why there's a CD Drive going on, eh? Don't forget to send me the artists and albums you like that are missing from the list (scroll ye mouse southward!)

For those who did make it today, thanks so much!! Everyone was incredibly helpful and made the process run quickly and smoothly. No doubt those cards are going to make a lot of people very happy this holiday season. Gotta love those non-denominational holiday cards! :D

Hopefully, I'll get some pictures I took soon, so you all get to see what you missed! They're the kind of pictures that you'll look at and say, "That crazy blogger was right! I should have gone to that card thing!"

There's plenty of other events this month. Culminating with the Tina Fey Movie Night to ring in the New Year; that's 12/30 --> 4-8:15!!

That'll be all for now. Check back soon for pictures, and a very special video!
