Ok, for those who didn't show for today's (TAG sponsored) Greeting-Card event, you MISSED OUT!!! Teens from all over Rockville Centre showed up to make greeting cards for homebound senior citizens. And you missed the musical stylings of Kelly Clarkson, Natasha Bedingfield, Janet Jackson and Celine Dion: the only CDs in the library from the last 18 months. Goes to show why there's a CD Drive going on, eh? Don't forget to send me the artists and albums you like that are missing from the list (scroll ye mouse southward!)
For those who did make it today, thanks so much!! Everyone was incredibly helpful and made the process run quickly and smoothly. No doubt those cards are going to make a lot of people very happy this holiday season. Gotta love those non-denominational holiday cards! :D
Hopefully, I'll get some pictures I took soon, so you all get to see what you missed! They're the kind of pictures that you'll look at and say, "That crazy blogger was right! I should have gone to that card thing!"
There's plenty of other events this month. Culminating with the Tina Fey Movie Night to ring in the New Year; that's 12/30 --> 4-8:15!!
That'll be all for now. Check back soon for pictures, and a very special video!